Building Shared Values
Energy Efficiency + Material Efficiency = Resource Efficiency
EUnlocking the Circular Economy
Energy Efficiency + Material Efficiency = Resource Efficiency
EUnlocking the Circular Economy
Toward a Sustainable Community
Toward a Sustainable Community
August 27 2018
Sustainability is a complex concept because its practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. To execute this concept, one should understand the interdependency between community well-being, and a healthy environment and a vibrant economy.
Sustainability is the capacity for a society to exist successfully for the short and long term. To attain this, the society must plan for and manage the social and the natural environment to balance and support both entities; this approach can provide a high quality of life and still allow both the human and the natural environment to thrive for current and future generations.
This concept, in its applied form, requires careful choices to be made in balancing utilization of resources, the direction of investments and orientation of technological development, as well as in designing social and institutional structures to benefit the community and natural environment upon which we depend. It follows that adopting sustainability practices protects environmental and human health with clean air, clean water, and other necessary resources needed for human societies.
Sustainability is a holistic approach which encompasses community involvement, and the integration of community wellbeing, economic and environmental principles. When implemented thoughtfully and effectively, these principles work together to build an efficient, beautiful, and vibrant community.
Sustainability “best practices” promote clean energy sources, the conservation and efficient use of energy, water and resources, the re-use and re-purposing of materials, efficient and accessible recycling practices, and integrated transportation systems, balanced city/regional development, urban garden and green spaces, sustainable farming, and sustainable business practices.
Efficient City: Towards a Low Carbon Living
Efficient City: Towards a Low Carbon Living
August 27,2018
Rather than focusing on targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we now see an increasing emphasis on the need for decarbonization – that is, for uncoupling economic growth and social well-being from the use of carbon-based fuels.
We can grab the opportunities that are presented by our growing cities. We can see innovations, social innovations, technical innovations. And I think identifying those opportunities are really where some of the existing cities have real chance to make a substantive change. The first technology or technologies are to become energy efficient.
We need to get serious about energy efficiency and energy savings. Because, our businesses, communities, and our environment would benefit–make them healthy, sustainable. And we can, we can save energy everywhere, from buildings to cars to industry. There are opportunities everywhere to save energy through efficiency.
I think businesses, local government, and educational institutes, and communities, should work together to support delivered technologies that are compelling & innovative. And when we find it and start using it in our cities then I think we create success.
January 15, 2018
Why do we need the Capital City Sustainability Partnership (CCSP)?
Our community must find a way to work toward sustainability. Many of our citizens and organizations are concerned and interested in ensuring sustainability in our city for current and future generations. Demands for energy-efficient housing, green infrastructure, walkable and connected neighborhoods, balanced growth, mixed-use compact development, and even connecting the dots between city planning and climate change, are just some of the more high-profile critical conversations our community needs to have.
When partners come together to accomplish collectively what they couldn’t accomplish individually, we create an effect greater than the sum of the individual impacts. Another way to say this is "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." Each partner will bring unique expertise, passion, and “best practices” to improve discussion, analysis, and implementation of sustainability initiatives.
Solutions can come from many places, and we believe engaging all entities that care about sustainability, including our citizens, will lead us to better answers and deeper public ownership of our future. A key feature of building a sustainable community is incentivizing and engaging our citizens to participate in the process. We will accomplish this by encouraging citizens to take part in developing ideas, making decisions, and planning for our future.
The Capital City Sustainability Partnership (CCSP) will initiate an inclusive and participatory process to raise awareness of the elements of sustainability and engage in stakeholder collaboration to achieve its goals.
To join us contact Aster Girma at