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Energy Efficiency + Material Efficiency = Resource Efficiency

Enabler --- Circular Economy and Sustainability

Making Climate Change Relevant to Local Communities

Community awareness of climate change plays a critical role in perceiving their actions and decision-making practices within the context of interdependency between community, economy, and environment. Subsequently, a thriving community will seek to acquire new knowledge and a new way of thinking to bring meaningful solutions.

Community the Driving Force to Protect our Planet: 

Regenerative Sustainability Approach

          Earth Day provides an opportune time to reflect on the state of our planet and our specific region. We are observing the directions in which these conditions are moving. In retrospect, we evaluate the actions that we have taken -personal and collective actions, how that affects the health of our region and the planet. How can we improve it?

          Social-ecological communities are the building blocks of cities, landscapes, and regions. Each community and geographic location will have unique needs and priorities. Community-based solutions can be a more efficient way to address these unique needs and priorities through a transformational co-creative process. 

          Community Learning on Regenerative Sustainability problem-solving approach to local communities can cultivate a knowledge-driven collective vision for sustainable progress.

Specifically, it enables our social and ecological systems to maintain a healthy state and evolve to meet future demands. The key in this framework consists of innovation, creativity, understanding of the interdependency of social, economic, and environmental issues, and bringing holistic solutions. 

           The public awareness and understanding of Regenerative Sustainability (RS) concepts and practices will help the public to recognize their actions and decision-making processes in their personal and community involvement activities. As a result, the community member will seek a new way of thinking, acquiring new knowledge, and adopt a new way of solving problems. Ultimately, the community can incorporate a holistic view and seeking the best solutions approach into their lifestyle and community involvement.

          Since community members have highly varied understanding and priorities, increasing community learning on Regenerative Sustainability problem-solving approach can help create consensus and fill in critical knowledge gaps and thinking gaps. Its discourse and application can make profound changes in thinking, economic and social structures, and consumption and production patterns. Consequently, it involves citizens' participation and engagement in developing ideas, making decisions, and planning for the future.

Examples of Sustainability Best Practices

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For more information about organization sponsorship, please contact: 

Phone: Nevada Green Institute:  1(775)-434-8409

E-mail: Mailing Address: Nevada Green Institute PO.Box 4043 Carson City, NV 89702

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